We offer an agreement with 2 special packages adapted to dancers with a significant need for slippers.
Package 5 pairs of tips ref SVETLANA I - II or III -15% Regular price: € 320.00 Special offer: € 272.00 or € 54.40 per pair instead of € 64.00
Terms: Either delivery and payment of the entire package in one go without shipping costs
Or a delivery as and when required and at the request of the dancer
For this choice, a contribution of € 5.00 will be added for the shipping costs. In both cases the shipment is made upon receipt of payment.
Package 10 pairs of tips ref SVETLANA I - II or III including 2 pairs offered
Regular Price: € 640.00
Special offer: € 512.00 or € 51.20 per pair instead of € 64.00
Either delivery and payment of the entire package in one go without shipping costs
Or a delivery as and when required and at the request of the dancer
For this choice, a contribution of € 5.00 will be added for the shipping costs.
In both cases the shipment is made upon receipt of payment.
Packages can be granted at any time during the season and are valid until the number of pairs has been used up.
We are partners with the textile brand VICARD and you can also benefit from a 10% discount on the entire collection of this manufacturer.
For her part, the dancer undertakes:
To make known and to make discover the brand STEFANOV around it in a free way but by specifying well that this brand is not found in stores.
To send us the contact details of any teacher or dancer likely to be interested in our slippers.
Not to resell the slippers for their own account.
Finally, as a thank you, if we make at least € 1,000.00 over 12 months through your involvement, we will have the pleasure of letting you choose the item of your choice from the VICARD collection and we will offer it to you.